Best Sushi Rolls to Order

This post will show you the best sushi rolls to order, also includes low calorie sashimi that are hugely beneficial to your health. Along with tips on how to eat the healthiest food in sushi restaurants. And much more!

Let’s get started.

Sushi: Healthy Nutrition Choice?

Firstly what are the benefits of eating sushi vs other food choices? Obviously one of the big benefits about sushi is that the fish that is used as toppings are full of omega-3.

Omega-3 Nutritional Fact:

And findings show that a healthy amount of this fatty acids reduces blood pressure and artery plaques.

Moreover what stands out is that a healthy amount of Omega-3 can reduce the chance of sudden heart attack/stroke and cardiac death from heart disease.


Besides the healthy amount of omega-3 that lies in the fish, there is also the nori that is wrapped around the sushi rolls. Subsequently it includes nutrients such as magnesium, phosphorus, Vitamins A,C, and E.

Also what will blow your mind is that Nori contains up to 10 times more calcium than milk. And calcium is an important part of your health in order to protect against cancer, diabetes and keep your heart beating.

Best Sushi Rolls to Order

Is Raw Sushi Healthy?

But what about sushi with raw fish in it, is that healthy?

Benefits and Cons of Eating Raw Fish

Mental Benefits:

Although as I mentioned before regarding the huge amount of healthy omega-3 for your heart. Additionally omega-3 is also hugely beneficial in terms of brain functioning.

Since omega-3 contains something called DHA, that increases plasticity in the brain by aiding in learning and memory. While it also contributes to reducing inflammation and oxidative stress.

Essential Macronutrient:


Another essential part that eating raw sushi with seafood provides is the large amounts of selenium that it contains.

What are the benefits of selenium? Not only does a healthy amount of selenium treat infertility in men and women. Additionally selenium reduces fatigue caused by a diet that weakens your immune system.

Moreover it can help improve your sleep by resetting your circadian rhythm. And the greatest need for selenium is how vital it is to a healthy functioning thyroid.

Vitamin D

Popular fatty fish like Salmon packs 100% of your daily vitamin D all in 4 ounces of salmon. Which is one of the biggest nutrient deficiencies in America.

Subsequently, Vitamin D is important for the development of bones and teeth. Because lack of Vitamin D prevents the intestine from stimulating and absorbing calcium.

Also it is a necessary ingredient for a healthy immune response that can fight against bacteria and viruses. Therefore, with the lack of Vitamin Dyou can’t effectively fight against infections.

Cons of Raw Sushi:

Although I mentioned tons of benefits to eating sushi and sashimi, there are not without risks that are necessary for you to be aware.

Persistent Organic Pollutants:

First of all raw fish like tuna or farmed fish such as salmon can contain high amounts of POPs.

POPs are chemicals from factories that contaminate fish. And are associated with chronic disease such as cancer and type 2 diabetes.

Additionally POPs are not only found in certain parts, it travels around the world and accumulates in tissues through food. But they are not only in raw fish, they are also in outdoor areas, and consumer products from POPs.

Bacterial Infections:

Even though sushi is delicious you must be careful to avoid food poisoning when consuming raw fish.

Contrarily, food poisoning can happen to anyone when consuming fish that are too warm or severely contaminated.

And if the food is not FDA ensured and the storage being investigated, contamination can happen during handling or when stored.

Best Sushi Rolls to Order

Minimizing the Risk of Raw Fish:

However, sushi lovers will not have to worry about eating in restaurants. Since most sushi restaurants have taken precautionary measures against potential hazards to ensure the best measures for their customers.

But you can also take matters in your own hands by asking about the storage methods of the fish.

And the most important part of the procedure is to freeze the fish for a week at -4°F (-20°C) or for 15 hours at -31°F (-35°C). Which ensures no parasites that are living in your food.

Moreover you can further reduce risk by calling for information in regards to where the restaurant gets their supply of ingredients.. And observing how long their fish is out of the refrigerator before it is used.

Caution for Pregnant Women:

Instead of parasites being the biggest culprit to the health of sushi lovers the biggest issue is that of mercury contamination for pregnant or breastfeeding women.

Since mercury can be in high amounts in fishes that are at the top of the food chain through bioaccumulation. Such as in swordfish or king mackerel.

Why is mercury in sushi a problem?

Because mercury can cause development issues to the fetus or the baby’s brain at high levels of contamination.

Although this is highly unlikely unless sashimi and raw fish rolls are your main nutrient source.

But it’s important to be cautious since heavy metals like lead and mercury have been traced to reproductive outcomes that has been associated with miscarriages.

Why Do Japanese Eat Raw Fish?

Following the mention of the health pros and cons of sushi rolls and sashimi. It makes sense why Japanese people have such a long life span.

But is there a historical importance as to the importance of fish in their diet?

Firstly the importance of raw fish is connected to the development of sushi.

Which begins with transportation of raw fish from the bay in rice. Hence allowing the fish to ferment in the rice and thus preserve it through the long journeys.

Following this method of fermentation spread from China to Japan in the seventh century. Furthermore the Japanese begin the idea of eating the rice along with the combination of the fish.

Later it grew into seasoning the rice with an idea to use wine vinegar to give the rice a sweater taste in the 17th century. And thus allow the sushi dish to have a better overall flavor and taste.

Then during the early 19th century(1801–1900) a man by the name Hanaya Yoshi became known for today’s Tokyo style nigiri sushi made from fish of the Tokyo Bay.

Lastly the biggest moment among the 1,800 years of rice and seafood development came after world war. When true in-door dining experience develops to provide for more sanitary conditions.

Top 5 Low Calorie Sushi Rolls:

Although sushi rolls are a hugely nutritious food choice, you have to be careful which rolls you choose. Since the average sushi rolls can rack up to between 50 to over 600 calories in one piece!

Moreover it is important that you choose the best sushi rolls to order that are not only low in calories. But healthy options that are not layered with sauce and drenched in cheese.

Hence if at all possible choose the best sushi rolls to order that are from lean fish and with abundant veggie ingredients.

1. Cucumber Roll

Best Sushi Rolls to Order

Cucumber Roll is one of the best sushi rolls to order and includes 136 calories per roll, 0 grams of fat, 30 grams of carbs, 3.5 grams of fiber, and 6 grams of protein. Besides being low in calories, cucumber rolls are perfect for vegetarians and combine with fresh uncomplicated flavors.

Cucumber rolls contain a good amount of hydration and are good for weight loss. Additionally cucumbers are rich in beneficial antioxidants that reduce risks of several types of chronic illnesses.

Meanwhile studies have also found that cucumbers can help lower and reduce blood sugar. While the sushi roll’s high fiber prevents constipation by promoting healthy bacterias in the gut.

2. Avocado Roll

Best Sushi Rolls to Order

Firstly avocado roll contains 140 calories, 5.7 grams of fat, 28 grams of carbs, 5.8 grams of fiber, and 2.1 grams of protein. And is usually only lightly seasoned with salt, and avocado fastened inside the rice with a strip of nori sheet.

The great thing about avocado roll that makes it one of the best sushi rolls to order is that it is low in calories, but with monounsaturated fat from avocado to help you feel satisfied.

Along with fiber and other nutrients like biotin, vitamin B6, and vitamin C. That will keep you kidney, heart, and nerves function properly

3. Tuna Roll

Best Sushi Rolls to Order

Tuna roll has 184 calories per roll, 2 grams of fat, 27 grams of carbs, 3.5 grams of fiber, and 24 grams of protein. While it consists of three main ingredients: sushi rice, nori, and sashimi tuna.

Though in most restaurants sesame seeds and green onions are added to the roll. And it is a great sushi roll for beginners to get used to eating raw fish.

Furthermore the pure flavor of the tuna is enhanced with spiciness through the condiment of sriracha sauce. Or by dipping the roll into soy sauce to add saltiness.

4. Yellowtail Roll

Best Sushi Rolls to Order

Yellowtail Roll contains 245 grams of calories, 2.6 grams of fat, 37 grams of carbs, 1.9 grams of fiber, 15 grams of protein.

Firstly yellowtail roll has a good marbled fat content that shares a versatile flavor combination. Lending a texture that is spicy, salty and rich in its beauty all at the very same time.

Moreover this sushi offers a balance between nutritional value, while containing a healthy amount of protein and good fat.

5. California Roll

Best Sushi Rolls to Order

California Roll has 255 calories, 7 grams of fat, 38 grams of carbs, 5.8 grams of fiber, and 9 grams of protein.

Although it is named California roll. Contrarily this sushi actually originates from Japan and not California. Usually this roll is made from rolling ingredients such as crab and avocado with nori & rice.

Moreover, it is one of the best sushi rolls to order and that is definitely among the first sushi rolls for many people. Additionally the mild flavor of the sushi makes it great for combining with a nice drink on the side to add to the flavor.

List of Low Calorie Sashimi:

While these best sushi rolls to order on diet are delicious, sashimi is also a super delicious for those who are daring enough to try.

However, beginners usually need to take some time getting used to regular sushi rolls before wanting to try raw sashimi.

What is “Sushi Grade”?

Lot of times when you are reading about raw fish you will hear the word “sushi grade”.

What does “sushi grade” mean?

When a fish is labeled as sushi grade it means that it is one the highest quality offering of seafood. Furthermore it ensures that raw fish can be used and eaten raw. Since it has been inspected and graded by fish wholesalers.

What this does is protect against the high risk for parasites, and essentially is like wearing a seat belt in a car. And a fish grade of one really just means the fish has followed the standard guidelines.

1. Squid

Best Sushi Rolls to Order

Squid has 74 calories per 3.52 oz, 0.2 grams of fat, 1 gram of carbs, 0.2 grams of fiber, and 16.9 grams of protein. Moreover it is high in vitamin C, calcium, and Vitamin A.

Additionally, it is a type of seafood that has white flesh that is slightly sweet to the taste. And although it is usually served as braised or stewed, squid is very fresh if it is eaten raw after being properly prepared.

2. Red Snapper

Best Sushi Rolls to Order

Red Snapper includes 86 calories per 3 ounces, 1 grams of fat, 0 grams of carbohydrate/fiber, and 17 grams of protein. Additionally Red Snapper are a great source for vitamin B6, niacin, and phosphorus.

Thus each serving can provide up to 14% of the recommended vitamin A. Which makes a great nutritious resource for your immune system, protection against eye disorders, and cell production.

3. Halibut

Best Sushi Rolls to Order

Halibut contains 94 calories in 3 ounce of serving, 1.4 grams of fat, 0 grams of carbohydrates and fibers, 51 mg of cholesterols, and 19 grams of protein. Also Halibut are a type of white fish that have firm meat with a mild flavor.

Moreover, this is a type of bottom-dwelling wild fish that besides being expansive is hard to catch. Measuring about 1 meter from its jaw to tail, while weighing an average of 11 kilograms.

4. Grilled Octopus

Best Sushi Rolls to Order

Firstly per 3 ounce serving Grilled Octopus has 139 calories, 1.8 grams of fat, 82 mg of cholesterols, 3.7 grams of carbohydrates. 0 grams of fiber, and 25 grams of protein.

Follow, Octopus is made through simmering the octopus in low heat for about 5–10 minutes. Before cooling for an hour then place it into the fridge.

Contrastingly, octopus is actually very bland and not with fishy taste, while with a chewy texture. Also an important part of the procedure if serve as sashimi is to serve it before rigor mortis sets in.

5. Salmon

Best Sushi Rolls to Order

In 84 grams or 3 pieces of Salmon includes 177 calories, 11.4 grams of fat, 48mg of cholesterol, 0 grams of carbohydrates/fiber, and 17.4 grams of protein. Furthermore, salmon is one of the top foods served with sushi that is rich in Omega-3.

Generally Salmon sashimi is served along with the options of dipping the lean meat in some sort of sauce. Which includes soy sauce or ponzu( a sauce mix from mirin, dashi, and soy sauce).

Tips for Ordering Healthy Sushi:

Besides simply ordering sushi rolls or trying out sashimi, there are also many savory and smart options.


Best Sushi Rolls to Order

Firstly, edamame is traditionally eaten in Asian and has now become hugely popular in sushi restaurants as well.

Additionally edamame is a great health food. Because it provides 18.5 grams of protein in only 155 grams of edamame. Which fixes the lack of protein amount in your sushi rolls.

Moreover, this soybean variety is a super source of fiber, antioxidants, and vitamin K. Hence reducing your risks of heart disease and is suitable as a food for low-carb diet.

Seaweed Salad:

Best Sushi Rolls to Order

Besides having tons of vitamin, it would also be a great addition to your diet for the nutritional content. Since 1 cup of seaweed salad only has 130 calories, 25 grams of carbohydrates, 4 grams of sugar, 3 grams of fiber.

Unknowingly, this sea vegetable contains a variety of powerful antioxidants that can protect you from many underlying diseases.

Particularly, this seaweed has an anti-obesity effect that reduces body fat, and can act with ability to delay hunger and make you feel more full from the fiber.

Miso Soup:

Best Sushi Rolls to Order

Beyond being really delicious for its distinct flavor, miso soup is full of nutritional merits.

Firstly, miso soup is a fermented food that stands out for the vitamins, minerals, and probiotic. Especially the latter which can enhance your gut health and all within an occasional bowl before your sushi evening.

Secondly, one teaspoon of miso soup contains well over 200 milligrams of soup. Contrastingly, instead of being a risk with such a high sodium content, miso soup actually lower the risk of cardiovascular problems.

What is Miso Soup?

Even though it has great nutritional density, miso soup is actually made from very little necessary ingredients. Generally chief among the ingredients are mushroom, sliced daikon(white radish), onion, shrimp, and wake seaweed.

Besides these basic ingredients, miso soup contains the primary cubed tofu and miso paste as the base for the soup. Also the cooking process is super simple and needs only to add hot water when ingredients are ready.

Sushi Condiments:

Although sushi has great flavors by themselves, there are also seasonings that you can add to enhance the flavors.

Soy Sauce:

Best Sushi Rolls to Order

Soy sauce has 8 calories per 1 tablespoon, 1 gram of carbohydrates, 0 grams of fat, 1 grams of protein, and 902 mg of sodium. Contrast to its high sodium content of this condiment, soy sauce can still be a healthy addition to the flavor.

Originally it came from China 3,000 years ago before spreading to Japan, Korea, and Southeast Asia. While it’s made from soybeans, wheat, salt and fermenting agents.

Besides the long history, studies have found that soy sauce can promote the immune system and help with digestion. However, it’s still best that you choose low-sodium soy sauce and don’t go overboard above daily allowance.

Spicy Mayo:

Best Sushi Rolls to Order

Firstly, 1 tablespoon of spicy mayo contains 79 calories, 8.2 grams of fat, 1 gram of carbohydrate, 0.2 gram of fiber, and 0.2 gram of protein. Also it’s condiment made from mayonnaise and hot sauce that adds a little spiciness to the food.

Furthermore, it is thanks to the spicy mayo sauce that adds sushi a kicking texture to tuna rolls or scallop sushi.

Moreover, it works wonderfully with the company of other dishes such as burgers, BBQ meat, and lobster rolls. But if you are not careful it can add a lot more fat and calories into your diet.


Best Sushi Rolls to Order

First of all, 1 tablespoon of wasabi has 58 calories, 2.2 grams of fat, 678mg of sodium, 9.2 grams of carbohydrates, 1.2 grams of fiber, and 0.5 gram of protein.

Although it is great as an antioxidant and has antimicrobials that can fight against germs and bacterias. But this paste is not a favorite for most Americans, since it has the effect of irritating the nose when added to the food.

Subsequently it is very low in cholesterol, and a wonderful condiment filled with vitamin B6, calcium, magnesium, potassium, and manganese.

How to Prepare Sushi:

Before the sushi rolls are prepared in and made by a chief the hardest part of the cooking process is already done behind doors. Since what’s most important is preparing the fresh ingredients and preparing them to be ready for tomorrow.

Hence here’s a video that helpfully explain the ritual of sushi preparation:

