What is Enoki Mushroom
Enoki mushroom is a type of mushroom that is very popular in Asian cuisine and is a popular ingredient for sushi rolls. And it can be eaten raw or cooked.
Moreover, it is a super healthy veggie that is great for different diets. Since it is a great source of antioxidants, Vitamin B, and dietary fiber. Also according to this source it is very beneficial for maintaining your brain health and enhancing your memory.
Additionally it has a simple but delicious taste and texture that makes it a winner for adding to vegan dishes. And for first time eaters it can taste a bit strange. Since it got this chewy and crunchiness like potato chips when you eat it cooked.
Which makes it great for using as an ingredient for creating healthy sushi rolls along with carrots and cucumber. Comparatively it tastes very sweet and looks clean unlike other mushrooms. And it has more savoriness when it is cooked.
When you buy it in the market, it’s in the form of stalks with white stems that are long and thin and attached to white caps. But in the wild, the color of the cap is more peachy-orangish and not white like the ones you see in the market.
However, the cause of the color contrast between the wild and farm enoki mushrooms is from its cultivation. Where the wild enoki gets exposed to light and an environment where it is CO2 rich. Hence it enables the stems to grow longer.
And fresh enoki mushrooms shouldn’t be slimy in its stem or with its caps discolored. Instead the stem should be firmly clustered together and with clean white caps.
Can You Freeze Enoki Mushroom
Although you can freeze enoki mushrooms, you would want to store them in the freezer the right way. Before starting, you want to choose from the market only fresh mushrooms. Therefore avoid enoki that are dry, moldy, darken spots, or has a disgusting smell.
Firstly for enoki that are clustered together, you want to first cut the root. So this way it can lie flat and be stored more easily and efficiently. Next you want to rinse them a bit to clean the dirt off.
Lastly you want to saute the mushrooms for 3–4 minutes until they are tender or brown. Before allowing them to cool and storing them in a container.
Hence this way the mushrooms don’t turn it mushroom mush when you take them out from the freezer. And this is because enoki mushrooms are mostly made up of water. So don’t try to freeze fresh enoki in their fresh state.
Enoki Mushroom Halal
Besides being totally halal, enoki mushrooms are also very healthy and nutritious. Also enoki is a type of vegetable, and all types of vegetables are good to eat.
Enoki Keto
Enoki mushroom is a great ingredient for the keto diet, not only is it low in calories. But also half of the carbs are from fiber and a cup of enoki only has 6 grams of carbohydrates.
Plus, enoki can be used for a variety of keto dishes and taste great with sesame oil. Moreover it is especially delicious when you wrap them up with grilled bacon. And the mushrooms give the dish a meaty and delicious flavor.
Can Enoki Mushrooms Make You Sick
Even though enoki mushrooms can be eaten raw, that doesn’t mean eating unclean mushrooms. Because each year many people get sick from eating unclean mushrooms.
And part of this is due to the difficulty in differentiating between enoki mushrooms and other types of mushrooms. Furthermore this can be dangerous due to the fact that many wild mushrooms can be deadly.
Although instances of poisoning from enoki are rare, you must remember the fact that enoki is a fungus grown from sources in nature. Hence to prevent the rare possibility of pathogens, make sure to not only wash them cleanly, but also cook them properly.
Enoki Mushroom Cost
Generally for most store-bought organic enoki, it doesn’t cost no more than $10. And the price averages from $3–5 dollars for 3.5 ounces of enoki.