How to Store Nori Sheets After Opening

4 min readOct 1, 2020


There’s many ways to store nori sheets after opening. The important thing to keep in mind is that you want them in a cool dry place. This way the seaweed won’t be absorbing too much moisture.

Nori Sheets are known to be quick to absorb moisture when they are stored in a warm moistured environment.

The reason you would want the seaweed not to be exposed to the wet ambient air is because it would become brittle, less crispy, and less delicious.

How Silica Bags Help Store Nori Sheets

To prevent this most companies sell their nori sheets packaged with a small silica gel packet. Which is desiccant for removing moisture as well as keeping things dry.

Silica bags are great for keeping the nori sheets fresh and moisture-free. But by limiting the moisture it is also useful in limiting the growth of mold and reducing spoilage.

According to this source, the silica bags can only absorb about 40 percent of its weight moisture before losing effectiveness.

Although they are useful for absorbing moisture, in an unsealed environment exposed to open air the nori’s shelf life would still be around a month or two at most.

Common Method for Storing Sealed Nori Package

If you’re not using the nori sheets at the moment it is best not to open the seal on the package. This way warm air won’t enter into the bag of seaweed sheets and affect its flavor.

Generally people recommend keeping the packaged nori sheets stored in a ‘cool dark place’. What this means is to store the packaged nori sheets in places like your cupboard or pantry.

The important reason for doing so is because these storage environments are not too humid. When the nori sits in open contact with warm sunlight it might cause the seaweed sheets to stick to each other. That’s why you should leave them stored in a dry place with just the right room temperature.

Storing Opened Nori Sheet Package

Most packages come with their own ziploc seals that you can use to close the opening. But before you seal the opening after use, make sure to also press out the air that may still be inside the bag.

If your nori package doesn’t include their own ziploc sealer then take the sheets carefully and place them into a plastic food storage bag. Before closing the seal make sure to press out any air that is in the bag.

The reason you would want to press out the air is because nori sheets can easily absorb the water content in the air. The nori sheets are meant to be a little dry, so too much absorbed water from the air will degrade the quality of the nori sheets.

Not only does it degrade the quality, a moisturized nori sheet doesn’t stick as well as a dried nori when used for making sushi.

When you find that your nori sheet is not sticking too well because of too much water content you can try toasting your nori sheets:

You’ll know you’re toasting the nori sheets correctly when you find the sheets to have more firmness and a new aroma.

Another method if you find yourself in this kind of situation with non sticking nori is to wrap it tightly with plastic saran wrap before cutting. Through experience I find this method really works.

How to Store Nori for Extended Shelf Life

As this source points out the best place to store the nori sheets for extended shelf life is in the fridge. Where it can help extend the shelf life of the dried seaweed up to 2 more months.

However, generally this method may not prove useful is you’re frequently using nori sheets to make sushi. In that case it doesn’t really matter whether the sealed package is stored in the fridge or pantry. Since most even 100 sheets of nori can get used up pretty fast.

The reason the fridge may be a better place than the pantry is because of its low temperature. The ideal environment to store nori is between 35 to 38 degrees Fahrenheit.

You shouldn’t store your nori sheets in any temperature above 40 degrees Fahrenheit. This is the danger zone where it allows bacterias to multiply at a rapid rate.

So the more important question is not where is the best place to store the nori. It is paramount to consider how often you need to use the nori sheets to make sushi.

If you’re only maybe making sushi one a month then keeping it tightly sealed in the fridge may be the best option. If you’re rolling out the sushi frequently every week at home then it is okay to keep it in a cool dry pantry.

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Written by Tony

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