…You want the truth?

“You can’t handle the truth!”

Instead of having conversations where it has an ulterior motive, every word comes from my heart.

Instead of going on dates where my mind is filled with doubt and and feels like turning in a resume, I can’t help but ask questions and being filled with curiosity about her.

The questions I have in my mind are NOT:

  • “Does she like me?”
  • “What should I talk about?”
  • “How can I make a good impression?”

Instead I cannot help but wonder:

  • “Do I love her?”
  • I say to her, “I ran out of things to say…tell me something about you.”
  • “Who is this beauty before me?”

Instead of stopping myself from telling her how wonderful she looks, because I don’t want to perceived as ‘needy, I want to keep that clarity between us.

Instead of asking her, “Do you want to go on a date with me?” I let my sentences embody the truth of who I am and say to her, “I would love to get to know you more.”

Instead of sad break-ups, I never make promises that I’m not. I truly believe that we’ll be able to full embrace the truth we represent if we look back at our past relationships and see them not as rejections, failures, and imperfections, but as they truly are: Beautiful relationships where we learn about not just each other, but ourselves.

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Tony Daxton




Written by Tony

Content Written to Be Read by Humans

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